Fees & Services Available

Pembrokeshire Archives - Digital Copying

If you already have a reference number, you can use the Archive Research Request Payment Form to make an online payment. You will need to contact us at record.office@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or tel: 01437 775456 to obtain a reference number and details of amount to be paid before making a payment.

Services available

  • Motor Licence Transcripts - £2.50 on site, £3.50 per remote request.
  • Research Service private individual - £22.90 per hour
  • Research Service commercial - £36.40 per hour
  • Free access to Ancestry.com and Find My Past (pre-booking this service is advisable)

Photocopying requested via post:

  • First five copies at £1 each, then normal charges apply
  • Microfilm/Microfiche Printouts - £1.70
  • We are unable to copy certain items. Please view our photocopying policy for more details.

Research Service:

Our experienced staff, using the archival material and facilities available, may be able to help you with the following (relating to Pembrokeshire).

  • Family history
  • House/building history
  • Local history
  • Transcription and translation

The fee is £22.90 per hour (£36.40 for commercial companies). The price includes postage and any relevant copies of documents (where applicable). All payments must be made in advance.  You can pay

  • online
  • Over the phone on 01437 775456
  • or by cheque or Postal Order (in £ Sterling, and made payable to "Pembrokeshire County Council")

We normally suggest you begin with one hour's worth of research. If towards the end of the initial hour it looks like there is more to be discovered, our research staff will inform you.

House History

If your research enquiry involves house history, your request should be accompanied by details of the location of the property, either marked on a modern map or with a grid reference.


Letters, faxes and e-mails will be acknowledged within three working days. Where appropriate, the customer will be provided with a written response within 15 working days or within 10 working days if there has been no earlier acknowledgment. This is in accordance with Pembrokeshire County Council Customer Charter Standards. We will make every effort to search for the required information in the allotted time. However, we cannot guarantee that our research will always produce positive results. Pembrokeshire Archives and Local Studies cannot be responsible for errors or omissions. Please ensure you supply a return address and e-mail address (where applicable)

ID: 58 Revised: 27/1/2022


Archives Visitors testimonials
  • "I have never had such a fruitful time in an archive. Thank you so much to your very helpful staff."
  • "The staff here have been most helpful, patient and kind and made my difficult task a more pleasant experience. Congratulations to the Boss for having such a great team."
  • "Diolch o galon am bob help a chyfeillgarwch."
  • "Very interesting and helpful visit; will be more confident to visit more often."
  • "Staff were excellent with help: best help I have had from Archive offices. Thank you very much."
  • "A visit that solved a lot of questions, but raised several more! Staff were most helpful - a donation box may be useful in the future to [show] our appreciation."
  • "Wow! Fantastic! The staff were very friendly and very, very helpful. Thank you very much."